Dear Speech and Debate Family,
Welcome to the second weekly update of the Stuyvesant Speech & Debate team!
For those who just joined, this newsletter is sent out every Monday/Tuesday with tournament results, important reminders, and other highlights from the team. On our website, you will be able to find all the weekly updates, team photos, tournament schedules, and permission slips/forms. Make sure to bookmark the website—it will be an important resource for this year!
Team Updates
Policy: In policy debate, we have been preparing to get ready for upcoming national tournaments at UPenn and Harvard! When prepping, our debaters usually collaborate together to help research and build out their arguments before tournaments. Beyond fleshing out our evidence, we also use speaking drills to improve talking speed for speeches. These drills include saying “watermelon” between each word, rapping song lyrics, and even talking with a pen in your mouth. We can’t wait for the next tournament!
Public Forum:
Over the weekend, the public forum team competed in the Columbia Invitational! In the novice division, Max Abraham and Sama Daga made it to octo-finals and Jasmine Liang and Solomon Binyaminov made it to quarter-finals. Congratulations to our novices for doing so well!
Lincoln Douglas:
Lincoln Douglas debate also went to Columbia! In the varsity division, Henry Ji made it to octo-finals. We’re now looking forward to UPenn and Harvard, our February tournaments!
(P.S. Thank you to the people in extemp and speech for offering to judge for us!)
During finals week, Stuy Congress has had no time to rest, with the last locals wrapping up and national tournaments coming up soon. At the 1/26 BDL, sophomores Matthew Dong and Daniel Prizant gained experience with speaking and presiding, while junior Sarah Diaz won the tournament, fully qualifying for the state championships. The team is now preparing for future tournaments, with an NYCFL local at Fordham on February 3rd, and national tournaments at UPenn and Harvard in the following two weeks!
Parliamentary Debate has been hard at work refining our skills to deal with difficult frameworks and arguments. We will be more prepared than ever for our upcoming February tournaments!
This week, Speech went to the January 26 BDL scrimmage, where Justin Ha placed third in Original Oratory. Although we haven’t had a large tournament this week in Speech, we have used the time to practice hard—we are looking forward to next week's tournament at Fordham Prep High School, a local Catholic Forensics League tournament, and the UPenn and Harvard invitationals the following two weeks!
The Extemp team has been busy preparing for the upcoming UPenn Invitational and state championship! There were 11 participants in BDL’s tournament on January 26, with three (Ashley L., Mason N., Unique Z.) in the varsity division receiving a half-qualification for the state championship! Those who are double entering in both Original Oratory (OO) and Extemp have made significant progress in their OO’s and are on the verge of finishing them. Stay tuned to see how the Extemp team wraps up the season in these last few weeks!
Thank you for reading!
That’s it for this update, and if you found it interesting, feel free to share it with friends/family! If you have any questions, please respond to this email (or contact, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
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