Dear Speech and Debate Family,
Welcome back to the Stuyvesant Speech & Debate team weekly update! We hope that you had a restful mid-winter break and are now ready to dive back into the excitement as we head toward the end of the season.
At this point in the year, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude to all the parents who have donated their time and resources to help our team thrive. Your support and generosity have been instrumental in our success, and we could not have come this far without you. Thank you for all that you do.
As a reminder, you can find all of the team pictures, weekly updates, tournament schedules, permission slips/forms, and donation page on our website. Be sure to keep reading until the end of this post, as we have an important announcement to share.
Once again, we appreciate your continued support and look forward to updating you on our progress. Thank you for being a part of the Stuyvesant Speech & Debate family!
Team Updates
Public Forum:
The PF team is finishing up the February topic this week! On Thursday, teams will be completing their qualifications for the State Championship at the Regional Qualifier. We’re also looking forward to the Lakeland Classic this weekend, for which our topic will be: “Resolved: The Republic of India should sign the Artemis Accords.” We can’t wait for the upcoming tournaments!
After Policy’s great weekend at Harvard, we have been using the break to prepare for Lakeland! We are hoping to send 4 teams next weekend, and have been researching, practicing speaking drills, and learning about new arguments. This week we will do rebuttal redos from Harvard, go over Harvard judge feedback, and run practice debates before Lakeland!
Lincoln Douglas:
LD is looking forward to the March-April topic, “Resolved: The justices of the Supreme Court of the United States ought to be term-limited.” We’re preparing for the locals and states section of the year, and we’re very proud of the initiative our novices have been taking to schedule more practice sessions. We’re all writing our cases for this final topic, and we’re excited to end the season strong!
The end of mid-winter break has come upon us, and Stuy Congress is rejuvenated and ready for more exciting tournaments! Every member of the team is working hard to join the six competitors who are currently fully qualified for the state tournament, by preparing for the March 2nd BDL, as well as Regionals on March 7th. Practices in the coming week will focus on prepping for these competitions and nailing down confident speaking tones. We are looking forward to these upcoming plans, and are also excited for Grands (3/18) and States coming very soon in the future!
Parli is looking forward to the Columbia tournament on the weekend of March 4th. To prepare, we are holding two days of practice rounds, as well as time afterward to go over where we can improve. We also plan on holding a meeting to hold a lecture on point generation and choice to make better and more effective arguments in-round. We can’t wait to jump back into debating!
Speech this week is gearing up for the out-season, with States, Grands, and the Catholic Forensics League National Tournament coming up in the next few months. This Saturday, March 4, the Speech District Tournament will be held, with the top competitors advancing to the National Speech and Debate Association national tournament in June. Look forward to news on that! With practices every day this week, varsity and JV speakers alike are racing to complete their State qualification at the Last Chance tournament on March 11th. With our amazing coaches, Ms. Sheinman and Duval, we look forward to these capstone state and national tournaments!
The grind for extemp districts is on right now! While everyone wraps up a buddy-system practice quota for February, some varsity members are individually preparing for both the CFL and NSDA national qualifiers. As we celebrate our performance at Harvard and UPenn, we’re keeping up the momentum with one on one practices and introduction drills. The team is pumped to finish the season strong and we can't wait to see the results of our hard work.
Hosting Grands Qualifiers
Dear Speech and Debate Parents,
We are excited to announce that Stuyvesant High School will be hosting the NYCFL Grands Qualifier on March 18th, 2023. This tournament is the qualifying tournament for the NCFL Grand National Tournament in Washington, DC, and it decides which speakers and debaters will go on to represent New York State on the national level.
Hosting this tournament is an incredible honor for us, and we are proud to resume the tradition after three years of online debating. However, we cannot do this without your support.
To ensure that the tournament runs smoothly and successfully, we need your help in providing food, beverages, and judges for the participants. Please fill out the form below if you are able to contribute to this effort in any way.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to working together to make this event a success!
Thank you for taking the time to read this update! We hope you found it informative and enjoyable. If you liked this update, please consider sharing it with your friends and family who may also be interested.
If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, don't hesitate to reach out to us by responding to this email or contacting We will make sure to get back to you as soon as possible.
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