Dear Speech and Debate Families,
Welcome back to the Stuyvesant Speech & Debate team weekly update! Over the weekend, several of our teams competed at the New York State Championships and achieved incredible success. With 50 state qualifiers competing, we were able to place in the top 3 in nearly every category and were the second-place team in the state! A big thank you to all Stuy judges, parents, and coaches, and a huge congratulations to all competitors!
As a reminder, you can find all the team pictures, weekly updates, tournament schedules, permission slips/forms, and donation page on our website. Thank you for being a part of the Stuyvesant Speech & Debate family!
Team Updates
Public Forum:
Public Forum wins second place in team sweepstakes at states!! In the novice division, Annie Li and Elijah Choi make it to the semifinals. Jasmine Liang and Solomon Binyaminov are STATE CHAMPIONS! In the junior varsity division, Brandon Tung and Alexander Panas make it to the octafinals, and Helen Mancini and Astrid Harrington make it to the quarterfinals! In the varsity division, Amrisha Roy and Kikyo Makino-Siller also made it to the quarterfinals! Congratulations to everyone for an excellent performance!
Congress had an exciting weekend at the State championship tournament! Our 10 competitors had a lot of fun seeing faces both old and new while preparing for Base 2 (two speeches a round)! It was a weekend full of amazing debate and major successes, with junior William Tang placing 3RD in the state and junior Olivia Woo breaking to semis. We are so proud of our Congress family for the ways they’ve learned and grown this season, and we can’t wait for the next one!
Lincoln Douglas:
LD went to states this weekend! In varsity debate, Lauren, Henry, and Daniel all went 3-2, and Lauren and Henry broke to octafinals! In novice debate, Galvin and Zachary both went 2-3! We are extremely proud of the dedication and hard work that everyone has put into the team this year. Also, as this was Lauren’s last tournament, we bid her a heartfelt farewell and wish her all the best. Thank you for everything you have done for the team!
HUGE congrats to all of our states’ competitors this weekend! Everyone did their best and made memories to last a lifetime. Minadee, Myles, Kai, Justin, Aleksey, and Eshaal all advanced to the elimination rounds, with Eshaal placing 3RD in the state! That’s a wrap on the regular debate season, but we look forward to CFL and NSDA nationals in the coming months!
This week, Speech did incredibly well at the New York State Championships! In JV Oral Interpretation, sophomore Prajusha Azeem tied for 20th, and sophomore Renae Leung tied for 10th as a semifinalist. In Varsity Oral Interpretation, junior Erica Liu placed third in finals, winning every single one of her prelim rounds! In Oral Interpretation, senior Peter Goswami placed fifth in finals! In Declamation, sophomore Nia Lam tied for 28th and sophomore finalist Eli Lifton placed fourth! In Humorous Interpretation, freshman Audrey Hilger placed seventh, and junior Ethan Khosh placed 3RD in the state! The duo of Audrey Hilger and Ethan Khosh placed fourth in Duo Interpretation, as well! Finally, senior and captain Melia Moore placed eighth in Dramatic Interpretation! Overall, the team placed fifth in the speech sweepstakes. A massive congratulations to every single one of our states competitors, and we look forward to doing even better next year! The team had an incredibly fun weekend, and this top-tier performance is just the icing on the cake for this wonderful capstone to the local season. We look forward to Nationals and to next year!
This past weekend, Parli went to the NYDPL April Online Tournament, where debaters Hannah Riegel and Adrian Turkedjiev won 1ST place! Hannah placed top speaker and Adrian placed 9th speaker. For the week ahead, we plan on running practice rounds in preparation for the NYPDL Tournament of Champions — we will give it our all!
This week in policy the JV debaters made presentations for the novices! The review was helpful for everyone and all of the presentations were amazing. We can’t wait for CFL Grands later this month!
Thank you for taking the time to read this update! We hope you found it informative and enjoyable. If you liked this update, please consider sharing it with your friends and family who may also be interested.
If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, don't hesitate to reach out to us by responding to this email or contacting We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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